Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Frank Request

“I really WANT to do something about the environment....I mean, I switch off the lights and fans and all...but...” “I want to do something, but I don’t know what!”
Surprisingly, these are refrains you hear from the youth today. The ‘college-going’ crowd, who seem too busy with their friends, their parties, and ‘having a life’ in general. The ones with the ‘insensitive’ or ‘de-sensitised’ tag.  At some level, we all want to save ourselves by saving the environment, what with being dogged by the palpable effects of global warming.
All the same, I’m not set out to make a speech on global warming and its effects. Neither to reel out a list of advice on eco friendly solutions.
I would, although, put forth a consideration.
If someone had to start an initiative at the institution level, well-meaning of course, you’d be sure to follow. Given that it’s not cumbersome or doesn’t demand much of your time, or any-ideally.
We all gather our unused or half-used sheets of paper; categorise it, if necessary. A team of people (self elected?) takes the responsibility of getting it bound. These sheets are used again in the form of books, sold for a small price. At a school or college, how much more ideal can this get? And if you hear it’s already being practised, and well, you have reference for your institution!
Such is the practise at Apostolic Carmel High School, Mumbai. A school-level initiative called the “Carmel Green Giants” headed by the school librarian Ms.Christine, as mentioned above.

The approach is cyclical-as there’ll always be students who’ll need books-who’ll be generating re-usable paper-and those who can head the initiative. It’s just the first step that’s the longest stride.


1 comment:

  1. Really nice article. Its a practical solution and not really difficult to implement either. Kudos!!
